Finding Your Perfect Home
If you are searching for your perfect home, you will find out quickly that you have come to the right place. As a prospective tenant with Envest Realty, we will guide you and help you through the process of applying for a home that you will look forward to coming home to each day. Once you are a tenant of Envest Realty, you will find a suite of tools and services to make your rental experience the best it can be. We focus on creating and managing properties that rent quickly because they are clean, modern, and comfortable. We also want to provide tenants with a secure and premium place to live.
Once an Envest Realty rental property is listed, we typically have over 150 people express interest within 4–5 days, and within 7 days the property is rented using our high standards. We never show a property while the last tenant is still living in the home or apartment. Our maintenance team and our house cleaning team are onsite almost immediately once the previous tenant has moved out.
Envest Realty manages some of the area’s best rental properties. We believe that consistently working to improve the quality of the product we manage using quality maintenance is the best way to have a comfortable home for the tenants who have chosen our properties as their home.
Our public website has many resources such as: 1) both Current and Future Tenant FAQs; 2) Rental Criteria; 3) Pet Criteria; 4) copies of our Move-In and Move-Out Checklist, and; 5) many other things a tenant would like to know.
Click here to view available properties.
To apply to rent an Envest Realty property, you need to decide which property you’re applying for by viewing available properties. Once you have found that property, all applications can be started by viewing the property and clicking on the apply here link.
Click here to log in to the Tenant Portal.
If you are a current tenant, you can log in to the Tenant Portal and open a maintenance request. If you are not going to be there at the time of the maintenance service, you can authorize the maintenance person to enter the premises with a master key or the key that the property manager has to your home. In no case, unless it’s an emergency, will anyone enter your home without your permission or your presence or one of your authorized representatives.